A Cuban medical school graduate shares an emotional video of his classmates scattered around the world.

A Cuban doctor in Spain shared an emotional video on TikTok showing his fellow classmates and the places where they are currently located, from the United States to Europe, touching the hearts of many Cubans.

A Cuban doctor based in Spain shared an emotional video on TikTok showing his classmates and where they are currently located. Some are in different states in the United States such as Florida, Texas, or Kentucky, while others are in Italy or various parts of Spain, as well as in Havana.

This clip, shared by the user @jessmaush, was posted with the following description: "More than a video, it will be a memory for a lifetime, demonstrating that even when distances are long, the beautiful story of sharing 6 years of our lives will be forever."

The result of this video is touching the hearts of many Cubans, as they commented to the young man on TikTok's post board.

"Beautiful video, I love it", "Wow, it moved me", "I loved it", "I always cry with these videos", "I think all Cubans are like this, scattered everywhere in the world, far from friends, from family", "These videos reflect the reality of Cuba and they provoke a deep sadness in me" or "That makes me incredibly sad. The vast majority of us have had to emigrate. A country with so much talent spread all over the world because we can't live decently in our own country."

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduate in Journalism from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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