A Lada catches fire on a central avenue in Havana.

There was no Cuban driver on the road with a fire extinguisher in their vehicle to assist in the accident.

A Cuban driver had to stop to watch as his Lada caught on fire in the middle of a busy street in Havana because he did not have a fire extinguisher to put out the fire.

The incident was reported in the Facebook group Car Accidents in Cuba. A user pointed out that the fire took place on Friday morning, on Vía Blanca, near the entrance of Regla.

"It must be the greatest desperation that a human being can experience, to see how something that has cost you sweat and sacrifice is consumed by fire, and not being able to do more than watch," said an Internet user.

In the video, the voices of several people can be heard complaining that drivers in Cuba do not have an essential resource like a fire extinguisher, which would allow them to prevent accidents like this one.

The Cuban firefighters did not arrive on time to stop the fire, and the flames spread from the hood to the interior of the vehicle, causing significant material damage to the owner of the Lada.

There are not many details about this accident on social media, but so far there are no reports of loss of human lives.

A few days ago, a house in Matanzas caught on fire due to the explosion of a motorbike. Witnesses claim that the vehicle's battery failed due to a power outage at the moment they were turning on the light after a blackout. Firefighters responded to extinguish the fire on Capricho street, in the Los Mangos neighborhood.

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