Cuban woman stabbed in Texas defends her attacker, shot dead by police.

Rosa María Tabera is hospitalized due to the serious injuries inflicted by her husband Ensel Maclare last Monday in their apartment in Austin, Texas. The Cuban man was shot by a police officer who intervened as he was stabbing his partner, and he passed away an hour later.

Despite almost losing her life due to the multiple and severe injuries inflicted by her husband during a domestic violence incident in Austin, Texas, Cuban Rosa María Tabera defended her attacker, who died on Monday after being shot by a police officer who intervened to stop the attack.

In publications made this Thursday on Facebook from the hospital room where he is recovering from serious injuries, Tabera expressed his grief and pain for the death of his partner and father of their three children, Ensel Maclare.

Early Monday morning, Maclare repeatedly stabbed her in the apartment where they lived until he was shot dead by an officer who arrived after neighbors called.

Both were transferred to a local hospital: she suffered injuries that put her life in danger and was in critical condition, while he was pronounced dead at 3:05 a.m.

In a first post on Facebook this Thursday, Tabera addressed a message to her deceased husband, declaring her unconditional love for him and overlooking the brutal aggression she suffered at his hands.

Facebook screenshot/Rosa Maria Tabera Columbie

Nothing in this world compares to the sadness I have inside, no one in this world loved you more than I did. You were my friend, my brother, my father, my confidant, but you were the great love of my life, you were my love, you were my everything; I will love you all my life, all my life, my dear. I will never have peace because mom loved you like nothing else in this life and you know it, my dear," he said.

The victim of violence did not skimp on praise for her attacker, whom she even describes as a "good husband": "I ask God to have you in his arms because you were a good son, a good father, and a good husband, because you were a good man, because I do not regret the years lived and being the mother of your children. Rest in peace, my father, rest in peace, my love. When I go to heaven, I hope to see you at the gate waiting for me because nothing or no one in this world can separate us, my love. I have no words, my love, to express how much pain I have."

A few minutes later, the woman did a live broadcast from the bed where she is recovering, in which - amidst complaints about the pain of her wounds and tears for the death of her partner - she justified the man by saying he "didn't know what he was doing" when he stabbed her.

"When I leave here, I am going to send his little children to Cuba; I have not allowed them to send him because I want to give him one last little kiss. No one can move him from there until I leave here. No one can move him from there until I bid him farewell," warned Tabera, referring to the repatriation of the deceased's body.

In a clear state of desperation, the Cuban woman went as far as to express her desire to exchange her life for Maclare's, whom she asserted: "I loved him with my life."

Tabera assured that she is hurt by all the things that happened to her and thanked God for being alive, but said that she would have preferred death and "not feel the great pain I feel in my body and in my heart."

However, she emphasized that her children need her and stressed: "The only thing that keeps me alive is the love for my children. Those three kids are what keep me alive. Believe it."

At another moment, the woman complained about not being able to write to respond to the numerous people who have been concerned about her condition, and not being able to sleep due to the injuries, and she showed her bandaged arms from the fingers to the elbow.

He mentioned that he has several wounds on one side of his torso, some of them with drainage tubes, and in the middle of the broadcast, he called the nurse to check on them. The healthcare worker reassured him, saying in English that everything was okay, and then hospital staff can be heard asking him to end the call.

The incident involving the Cuban couple, who are natives of Moa, Holguín, occurred after 1:30 a.m. on May 27th, at the San Paloma Apartments residential complex in the north of the city of Austin, where a altercation between them took place for reasons that have not been disclosed.

According to the report from the Austin Police Department, officers arrived at the scene around 1:45 a.m. and, after entering the couple's apartment, found Maclare on top of his wife, repeatedly stabbing her with a knife.

“To protect the victim's life, an officer used their service weapon and hit the suspect,” said Robin Henderson, interim chief of the Austin Police Department (APD), to the press.

Maclare was declared dead just over an hour after the shooting. The officer who shot him has five years of service in the Austin Police Department and, according to protocol, would be assigned to administrative duties, authorities' statement indicated.

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