A Cuban woman reunites with her son and parents in the United States after four years apart.

A Cuban woman receives her son and parents in the United States at the airport, starring in an emotional scene.

A Cuban woman shared the emotional moment she experienced at an airport in the United States, where she was reunited with her son and parents after four long years. A touching reunion that has gone viral on the social network TikTok, where this Cuban mother posted the beautiful scene.

The user who moved social media with her reunion was @arimarquezfernand, whom we see running towards her son as soon as she saw him. Visibly moved and with tears in her eyes, she hugged him again.

"The pain suffered during the separation is nothing compared to the joy of the reunion," wrote this Cuban woman, who arrived at the airport with the traditional welcome balloons featuring the American flag.

In the face of the images, it has been inevitable that users react with emotion to what this beautiful reunion conveys. "I have cried, I can't imagine what it's like to be far from a child, I imagine it's like a sentence only for the brave," "I don't know if I will be lucky enough to have mine here with me someday, but I am happy for all the moms who do achieve it" or "I have cried, I can't imagine being far from my daughter," reads on the board among the congratulatory messages for this Cuban.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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