A smoky haze spreads around the surroundings of the Hotel Nacional de La Habana.

The intense smoke originated between El Capri and the entrance of the Hotel Nacional, at the intersection of 21st and O streets in El Vedado.

A thick smoke near the Hotel Nacional caused great concern among the neighbors in the area, many of whom indicated that a fire had occurred inside the tourist facility.

Videos posted on Facebook show dozens of people running and wondering if something is "catching fire."

The images show that the smoke was generated near the Hotel Capri and the Hotel Nacional, at the intersection of 21st and O streets, in El Vedado.

However, a video recorded from a closer angle indicates that a fire may have occurred inside the Hotel Nacional, as smoke can be seen coming out from the area of the gardens near the parking lots.

"Look at that, there's smoke over there, next to El Capri; something is catching fire there," says a woman.

Publication inFacebook

At the time of publishing this note, no further details of the incident were known, nor had the cause of the intense smoke been clarified.

An Internet user commented that it was probably caused by problems with the electrical voltage since he was at a cafe at 21st and L at the time of the incident, and several breakers tripped at the same time.

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