An apartment in a building in Santiago de Cuba catches on fire.

The building is located in the Antonio Maceo neighborhood, in the municipal seat. There were no injuries, but the residents lost everything.

Bomberos en el lugar del incendio © Yosmany Mayeta Labrada / Facebook
Firefighters at the scene of the fire.Photo © Yosmany Mayeta Labrada / Facebook

A fire destroyed an apartment in a building in the Antonio Maceo neighborhood in Santiago de Cuba.

The independent journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada shared photos on his Facebook profile of the firefighters at the scene after the fire was extinguished.

The incident occurred in apartment 6 of building B3.

Facebook screenshot / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

"Up to this moment, it is not known precisely how the fire originated," stated the reporter.

An internet user identifying as Ochuncita Morenah Suárez revealed that the firefighters arrived on time, thanks to the fact that the driver lives in the building.

"Thank God there was no one in that house," he said.

Another witness stated that there were no injuries in the fire, but the residents lost everything.

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