Antonio Guiteras Thermoelectric Power Plant goes out of service due to a leak.

It is an oil leak in the lubrication system of the generator. The repair will take approximately 30 hours.

Termoeléctrica Antonio Guiteras de Matanzas © Unión Eléctrica UNE / Facebook
Antonio Guiteras Thermoelectric Plant in MatanzasPhoto © Unión Eléctrica UNE / Facebook

The Antonio Guiteras thermoelectric plant in Matanzas went out of service for approximately 30 hours due to an oil leak in the generator's lubrication system.

According to the official journalist specialized in the topic, José Miguel Solís, as reported on Facebook, the plant was stable but limited to 215 MW.

Engineer Rubén Campos Olmos explained that the repair should last about 30 hours before it can be reintegrated into the National Electric Power System (SEN) again.

Facebook screenshot / José Miguel Solís

Subsequently, on a close date, there will be a planned stop of about four days that will allow generating 280 MW during June and July.

"If the SEN was predicting a deficit of 895 MW today, we should add to that figure the 210 MW being supplied by the Yumurino block at that time," the reporter commented.

The Electric Union (UNE) announced power outages for this Saturday due to a deficit in generation capacity throughout the day, with a maximum impact of 550 MW during daylight hours and 825 MW during peak hours.

Facebook screenshot / Electric Union (UNE)

These figures should increase with this new outage at Guiteras, which adds to a long list of incidents in recent months due to continuous breakdowns and malfunctions, amid a crisis that keeps the people under power cuts of up to 18 hours in some areas.

In addition to the power plant in Matanzas, unit 2 of the Felton CTE is damaged, and three blocks of the Mariel and Santa Cruz thermoelectric plants are under maintenance. Not to mention that 64 distributed generation plants, representing a total of 472 MW, are out of service due to lack of fuel.

Last week, the ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel admitted that there are no guarantees that the summer months will pass without disruptions to the electric service.

"There could be a power outage at a certain time, and we will work to ensure they are not prolonged, that they are not of long duration," he stated.

Díaz-Canel reiterated what the Unión Eléctrica (UNE) announced days earlier, that power outages will increase in June due to the rise in maintenance work at the thermoelectric plants, aiming to ensure service in July and August.

"We will have extended maintenance until the month of June to minimize the inconvenience of power outages in the summer, especially in the months of July and August," he noted.

According to the director of UNE, Alfredo López Valdés, no maintenance works have been planned for any thermoelectric plant in July, which does not mean that things are going to go well. "We will have the breakdowns that normally occur in the system, we will have the limitations that normally occur in the system," he said.

In mid-April, the Guiteras synchronized with the SEN after almost five days out of service due to a boiler breakdown.

The Electric Company had announced that the plant would stop for maintenance for three Mondays, but the work extended to five. According to the information, the facility had "defects in the boiler."

The power plant in Matanzas has been going in and out of the system for a while due to continuous breakdowns and malfunctions, in the midst of an energy crisis that has kept the population experiencing power outages of up to 16 hours in some areas.

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