Cuban living in Miami after moving from Tampa: "I am having a hard time."

A young person joins the "I am Cuban" trend on TikTok, sharing their difficulties after moving to Miami.

A young Cuban woman who has just moved from Tampa to Miami wanted to narrate her reality in the city of the Sun through the popular trend "soy cubana", a challenge popular among people from the island with which they express customs and behaviors they identify with.

The Cuban woman who goes by the username @clautapia98 on TikTok used this trend to share about the difficulties she is facing after moving to Miami, unable to find a job and paying high rent for an efficiency apartment.

"I am Cuban living in Miami and of course I cannot find a job. Since I don't have a car, I have to walk everywhere. I live in a very expensive efficiency. Everyone tells me to go out and walk to find a job, but I can't find anything. When I lived in Tampa, there were jobs and everyone told me to come there, and here I am struggling." said this Cuban woman in her video.

In reaction to her words, many encouraged her in her job search by sending her their support. "Keep fighting, I am also in Miami", "Keep fighting, everything is achieved in life and us Cubans achieve everything", "You are in the right place, you'll see" or "Be strong, young person, you will see that you will find it, beginnings are difficult".

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor for CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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