Cubana lists requirements for driving in Miami: "If you use turn signals, you're not cut out to drive here."

Cuban TikToker excels on TikTok by listing the requirements to drive in Miami: "Driving with the phone in hand and entertained, if you don't drive with the phone in hand, go to another state."

The Cuban TikToker Thaliahr (@delifragance) complained about the attitudes of drivers in Miami with a funny video in which she explains the requirements that people must meet to drive in the city, including never using turn signals or driving while holding a phone.

A video clip that has caused a stir on TikTok with dozens of comments in which users agree with the statements of this young woman from the island, thus demonstrating that Miami traffic and its drivers have a very bad reputation...

"If you don't do these things, you are not fit to drive in Miami. If you use your blinkers, you are not fit to drive in Miami. If you are the second car at the traffic light, you must honk as soon as the light turns green. If you're going to change lanes, don't use your blinker. If you do, you are not fit to drive here," this Cuban woman starts by pointing out.

Driving with your phone in your hand and distracted, if you don't drive with your phone in your hand, go to another state. If you are the first at the traffic light, when it turns green, don't go, wait until the person behind you honks," he added, thus pointing out the bad habits of drivers in the city of Miami.

And number 6, insult the person driving ahead of you from your car. Even if he can't hear you, insult him. If you don't do these things, you can't drive in Miami. I forgot that you have to go through life pointing fingers," this Cuban woman concluded.

In the comments, many agreed in pointing out these bad practices that are seen on the roads of the City of the Sun. "And Hialeah is another level, today I saw one brushing their teeth," "I'll tell you that I'm leaving Miami for the same reason, it's crazy to drive here and I have to stay alive" or "Literally," are some of the reactions to this video.

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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