Cuban in the USA sparks debate on TikTok: In Cuba you wanted to leave and now that you are here "you have to work hard".

Comments and opinions were not slow in coming.

In a TikTok post, a Cuban residing in the United States shared a reflection on the difficulties some face in adapting to life outside their home country.

"Correct me if I'm wrong," the Cuban began. "If you were in Cuba, it was because the country was a shithole and you wanted to leave, excuse the word. You wanted to leave because you couldn't stand being there anymore, because the country was a mess and there was nothing. And now that you're here, 'because here you have to work hard, this country is not easy, this isn't the yuma, this is the fire,'" he said in his insightful reflection.

"So, if you don't want to be there and you don't want to be here, where do you want to be? In the middle? In the Pacific? I don't understand, I don't understand anything. Is it you or is it the country? Think about it a little. It seems to me that it's you, because if you didn't want to be there because the country is bad and here you have to work a lot. What do you want?" he concluded his message, which has sparked a wide debate on the network where users referred to the expectations and realities of living in another country, especially when coming from such a particular context like the Cuban one.

"I am Cuban with I220A and I thank God for being here, and hopefully always have health and work, the rest comes on its own, greetings," said one.

A user expressed: "This country is not for the weak"; "It's true, bro, but I'm not going to live for Cuba, I'm going to go when I can because I have my mom and sister there, otherwise I wouldn't go anymore."; "This country is the easiest to live in, people are the ones who complicate their lives," and "They say you have to work but in my opinion, wherever you are, if you want to get ahead you have to work without fear," some said.

Many in Cuba lived off of everything that was sent to them without effort and better than what is here. They arrived and realized that here you have to work," reads among the hundreds of reactions provoked by the video, including calls to respect the free choice and opinion of each person: "I am Cuban, I like it here but I think that the decision of each person should be respected," defended one person.

What do you think? Do you agree with him or do you believe that not everything is black and white, and there are many nuances in every story?

What do you think?


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