The Meteorology Institute forecasts thunderstorms in large parts of Cuba.

The government entity stated that in some areas, the strength of the wind and the height of the waves may increase. The bad weather could persist until late at night.

Imagen satelital © National Hurricane Center
Satellite imagePhoto © National Hurricane Center

The Forecast Center of the Cuban Meteorological Institute (INSMET) warned this Thursday about the occurrence of showers, rain, and thunderstorms in the late afternoon and evening hours over much of the national territory.

The daily report from the government entity informs that "in the afternoon, it will become cloudy in much of the national territory with some showers, rain, and thunderstorms, which will be more numerous in inland and northern coastal areas of the central and western regions."

Likewise, it states that the bad weather "will persist until the early evening hours and may be strong in specific locations", while maximum temperatures will range between 32 and 35 degrees Celsius.

As an additional note in its statement, INSMET added that wind strength and wave height may increase in areas of showers and thunderstorms.

Facebook screenshot/Lázaro Manuel Alonso

Precisely, the government-supporting journalist Lázaro Manuel Alonso echoed the report and informed on Facebook that "from today the possibility of rain is increasing throughout the country, according to Meteorology."

Typical of the month of June, including thunderstorms. Due to the heat, severe weather events cannot be ruled out. In central Cuba and parts of the east, today appears to be a day of high activity, as shown by the satellite at this time," he added.

Facebook screenshot / Pedro Rizo Martínez

This Wednesday, a tornado caused damage to around twenty homes and the electrical system in the town of San Antonio de Cabezas, located in the municipality of Unión de Reyes, Matanzas. Despite the scare, fortunately, no injuries or loss of human lives were reported.

Marixma Miyares, director of the Provincial Meteorological Center, clarified that the damages caused were the result of a "severe local storm" accompanied by strong winds, and not a tornado.

However, those who experienced it firsthand continue to identify the phenomenon as such: as a tornado. Residents confirmed that in one part of the town it passed by about three times and that it was felt very, very strongly.

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