Part of a building collapses in Old Havana.

The building was at risk of collapsing, and fortunately there were no people inside at the time of the incident. However, the sections that fell caused damage to a vehicle belonging to the Ministry of Transportation.

Derrumbe en La Habana © Collage Facebook / La Tijera
Collapse in HavanaPhoto © Collage Facebook / La Tijera

The intense rains that affected the Cuban capital on Thursday caused the collapse of a building in Old Havana, as reported on social media.

The Facebook page La Tijera reported that the property located at 417 Esperanza Street, between Carmen and Figuras Streets, had been in danger of collapse for years.

Facebook screenshot / La Tijera

Fortunately, the neighbors had been evacuated beforehand, but a van from the State Company of the Ministry of Transportation, Transcargo, had damage to the windshield and the front, he pointed out.

He also indicated that the neighbors and the driver called the firefighters, "but they were told that until the municipal government authorities arrive at the scene and they receive the order, they cannot get to the place."

This Thursday, torrential rains were reported in the Cuban capital, causing severe flooding in several municipalities, including Old Havana and Central Havana.

"Torrential rain is falling in Old Havana," reported internet user Emicenio Z Zaldívar on Facebook, who shared photos of the flooded streets taken by Cuban Ivón Valdés.

Facebook screenshot / Emicenio Z Zaldívar

The images show cars and motorcycles covered in water, while some reports indicated that some streets would be impassable.

The Forecast Center of the Cuban Meteorology Institute (INSMET) warned this Thursday about the occurrence of showers, rain, and thunderstorms in the late afternoon and evening in most of the national territory.

The daily report from the governmental entity informs that "in the afternoon, it will become cloudy in a large part of the national territory with some showers, rain, and thunderstorms, which will be more numerous in inland locations and the north coast of the central and western regions."

Capture from Facebook / Lázaro Manuel Alonso

Precisely, the official journalist Lázaro Manuel Alonso echoed the report and informed on Facebook that "from today the possibility of rain is increasing throughout the country, as explained by Meteorology."

Typical of the month of June, with an electrical storm included. Due to the heat, severe weather events are not ruled out. In central Cuba and parts of the east, today appears to be a day of high activity, as shown by the satellite at this time," he added.

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