Old Havana

Fire in a house in Old Havana

  • CiberCuba Editorial

Body of woman found in trash tank in Havana identified

  • CiberCuba Editorial Team

Body of a woman found in a garbage tank in Old Havana

  • CiberCuba Editorial

Video captures collapse of building in Havana

  • CiberCuba Editorial Team

Neighbors trapped in a collapse in Old Havana are rescued.

  • CiberCuba editorial team

Old Havana is left without tourists.

  • CiberCuba Editorial Team

Neighbors close street in Old Havana after 10 days without water

  • CiberCuba Editorial Team

Municipalities of Havana flooded after heavy rain inundations.

  • CiberCuba Editorial Team

Collapse in Old Havana leaves at least one person injured

  • CiberCuba Editorial Staff

Part of a building collapses in Old Havana

  • CiberCuba Editorial Team