Pánfilo picks up a bottle with a US official in Havana: "Where do I go to do the paperwork?"

There are two offices for immigration procedures at the United States Embassy in Cuba. Do you know where you must submit your paperwork?

Pánfilo and his friends were waiting for transportation at Prado and Malecón, punished by the sun, when a good Samaritan gave them a ride, and to their surprise, it was a U.S. Embassy official in Havana.

The characters from the humoristic show "Vivir del Cuento" are collaborating with the United States Embassy in Cuba to inform in an entertaining way about the requirements to be met by those who wish to emigrate legally to that country.

This week, the sketch they recorded is dedicated to getting to know the offices where migratory cases can be processed at the diplomatic headquarters in Havana.

The official Adam explained to Pánfilo and his friends that there are two offices in the Embassy dedicated to immigration cases. One belongs to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and the other is the Consular Section, which is part of the Department of State.

Cases of humanitarian parole, parole beneficiaries, refugees, and asylees are processed by USCIS. However, if they are migrant visa applications and family claims, the cases are processed by the Consular Section office.

The communication strategy of the Embassy of the United States could be highly effective in informing Cubans in a close, respectful, and fun way, clarifying basic issues when it comes to emigrating through legal channels.

This week, the Biden administration announced that the southern border of the country is closed to illegal migrants.

Those who cross without proper authorization are not eligible for asylum, they will be sent back to their country of origin or to a third country; they will face a reentry ban to the U.S. of at least five years and may face criminal charges and even serve prison sentences.

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