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Marlon Pijuán says that new chapters of Vivir del Cuento "are going to delight us so much that they will forgive us the wait"

Followers of the series are counting the days until the new season arrives.

Marlon Pijuán en rodaje de nuevos capítulos de Vivir del Cuento © Instagram / Marlon Pijuán
Marlon Pijuán filming new chapters of Vivir del Cuento Photo © Instagram / Marlon Pijuán

The Cuban actorMarlon Pijuan, who plays Isidoro in the popular comedy seriesLive the story, assured a few hours ago that the new chapters of the program will be liked so much that they will make the wait worth it.

It was through thestories from his Instagram account where he wrote his words, regarding responses from his fans about where they saw them from.


"Thank you very much for the love and all the beautiful energies you send us. There is Vivir del Cuento by and for you," he said in astory posterior.

Instagram stories / Marlon Pijuán

A few days before, Marlon had shared a video from the set, where he showed part of the filming of the highly anticipated new episodes.

"A year later we return to the ring. We will bring you everything because there is everything to create. PS:there is Living from the Story for a while", he assured on that occasion.

The applause and celebrations from the audience of the popular television series were immediate.

At the beginning of last February, Luis Silva surprised with the good news that they were already preparing the new season.

"Living off the Story is another story!", he said in a publication that delighted those who have been waiting for months to enjoy the good humor of the series, on the air for now.15 years.

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