Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba prays to the Virgin of Charity for those afflicted by emigration.

Bishop Dionisio García Ibáñez included in his prayer of supplication those Cuban families who are currently suffering due to migration.

Monseñor Dionisio García Ibáñez © Collage captura Facebook / Arzobispado de Santiago de Cuba
Monsignor Dionisio García IbáñezPhoto © Collage capture from Facebook / Archdiocese of Santiago de Cuba

In front of the Virgin of Charity of El Cobre, the Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba, Monsignor Dionisio García Ibáñez, pleaded during this Sunday's Eucharist for the people in the country who are suffering the consequences of emigration.

"To the workers who strive to provide their loved ones with a decent home; to those who cry over the emigration of spouses, children, grandchildren, and friends," García expressed during a prayer of supplication, as reported by the Archdiocese of Santiago de Cuba on Facebook.

Screenshot from Facebook / Archdiocese of Santiago de Cuba

In his prayer, Monsignor also included "mothers who struggle to feed their children; to so many who tirelessly search for medicines for their sick; to the relatives of prisoners who dream of seeing them return, someday, healthy to their homes," alluding to the pressing problems of Cuban reality.

Among them, he made references to the economic crisis and its effects on families, such as shortages of food and medicine. He also addressed the situation of political prisoners in regime's prisons, where their relatives, sometimes desperate due to the lack of justice, eagerly await their return in good health and with the least amount of consequences.

García also highlighted the people who "suffer from violence and theft, and those who face so many material and spiritual deficiencies." This phenomenon is more commonly seen in today's society, as delinquency is often related to the increase in ills stemming from the economic crisis.

He also said that "love" is found today in "children who lovingly care for the elderly at home; in those who help relatives and friends from other lands; in neighbors who support each other in sorrows and joys; in so many who serve their fellow men selflessly," showing faith in Cubans, despite the hardships they face.

Finally, the Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba, in the prayer of supplication, expressed that the people are possessors of "potentialities", and on this subject, he invited to learn to live in harmony, "in one heart and one soul, with different ways of thinking, and, together, find solutions that lead us to be born in peace, to work in peace, to eat in peace, to die in peace".

Last March, during the Palm Sunday Eucharist, García asked for electricity, food, and freedom from the Virgin of Charity of El Cobre, something he said is nothing more than echoing the requests that pilgrims make to the Patroness of Cuba.

"We want to live with greater ease, we want to try to live a normal life in which everyone can make their own plan, their life project, where life is not a constant struggle and work," said García Ibáñez at the feet of the Virgin.

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