A Cuban man is arrested after stealing five million pesos from a house in Santa Clara.

The victim of the robbery was a self-employed worker.

Dinero cubano (i) y Hombre arrestado (d) © Collage CiberCuba - Facebook/Fuerza del Pueblo
Cuban Money (i) and Man Arrested (d)Photo © Collage CiberCuba - Facebook/Fuerza del Pueblo

A Cuban was arrested in the city of Santa Clara, Villa Clara, after stealing no less than five million pesos in cash from inside a house, as revealed by the officialist Facebook profile Fuerza del Pueblo.

The theft occurred on June 6 in a residence in the Sakenaf People's Council, the day when the individual - identified as Alinoeslan Larrondo - entered the house by breaking the slats of the front window blind.

The victim of the robbery was a "self-employed worker who owns a bakery and who intended to use that money to import a container of wheat flour, in order to produce food that benefits the residents of the area," the source mentioned.

Fuerza del Pueblo emphasized that the community, "stunned" by the incident, actively collaborated with the National Revolutionary Police (PNR) and the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) to identify and capture the perpetrator.

After several days, the alleged perpetrator of the robbery was arrested by the police.

During the operation, authorities managed to recover a scooter and two gold chains purchased by Larrondo with the money he had stolen.

In the comments section of the post, some internet users celebrated the arrest, while others showed skepticism towards this type of news and the alleged effectiveness of the police.

"Everything looks very nice, but I bet anything that in less than a week it will be on the street. That's how I see it with most of the cases they post here," commented a viewer.

The high amount of cash that the self-employed worker had at home also caught attention.

"What amazes me the most about all this is the five million CUP. It has more money than all the ATMs in the province. That's why those of us who get paid with a card cannot withdraw money from the bank. Add this to the hundreds of small and medium-sized enterprises there are... The bank is empty, gentlemen," a commentator concluded.

As of the closing of this note, there are no further details about the unique robbery.

In another recent and curious incident in Santa Clara, in this case in the José Martí Popular Council, a young man was caught red-handed while robbing a bank in a park in that community.

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