Suspected bank robber captured in Villa Clara.

Extreme poverty, combined with the loss of values in Cuba, is making all types of theft increasingly common in the country. Check out this story in Villa Clara.

Presunto ladrón de bancos © Facebook Fuerza del Pueblo
Alleged bank robberPhoto © Facebook Fuerza del Pueblo

The Cuban police arrested a suspected "bank robber" in the José Martí neighborhood of Santa Clara, in Villa Clara.

The officialist profile Fuerza del Pueblo narrated how a security guard was returning home from his shift and witnessed the red-handed arrest of an individual who was "robbing a bank" in the community.

Facebook People's Power

The bank in question was made of granite, as can be seen in the attached images. The unique publication has caused laughter among the followers of the mentioned profile, due to the approach of the information.

"Hahaha, with banco like that, one can only think of something else (money bank), but in the José Martí neighborhood, there isn't any," said a user in the comments.

Facebook People's Force

The police recovered five benches that had been previously stolen from the park. They point out that the young man had "lack of empathy and immaturity," and these characteristics in his personality led him to commit the act against urban heritage.

The alleged "bank robber" admitted his involvement in the crime.

Bank robberies in parks are very common in Cuba. Last week, comedian Rigoberto Ferrera showed how the iron benches are disappearing from a park in Havana, on Ayestarán Street.

This practice is not new in the country. The lack and incivility are such that the theft of metal fences, tubes used to build playgrounds, wooden boards, and all kinds of urban furniture that can be stolen in public spaces is quite common.

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