A Cuban man falls from the fourth floor of a building while robbing an apartment in Gibara.

It happened in a building in the Velasco area, in Gibara, Holguín.

Patrulla de la policía (i) y Gibara (d) © Collage Cubadebate-
Police patrol (left) and Gibara (right)Photo © Collage Cubadebate-

A man fell from the fourth floor of a building in Velasco, in the municipality of Gibara in Holguin, after robbing an apartment in the building, as revealed by the officialist profile Cazador-Cazado.

Despite the dramatic fall, the thief survived and is currently hospitalized.

The individual -who has been identified as José Alejandro Revés Fuente- lived in the building with a relative, but on the night of last Friday, he took advantage that an apartment on the third floor would be empty and went up to the roof.

The official source clarified that once at the top of the building, he activated his "Spiderman mode", as he used a section of a fishing net to descend from the back of the house, which he entered and stole money from.

However, during those "extreme maneuvers", the neighbors realized it was a robbery and decided to confront it.

Upon seeing the thief fleeing towards the top of the building, they followed him.

Hunter-Hunted reports that, between stress and nervousness, the thief ran out of hiding and fell from a height of four floors to the ground.

After the incident, he was immediately transferred to the Velasco Polyclinic and then to a hospital in the main municipality.

As a curious fact, the thief even wore gloves that he taped to his skin with adhesive tape so they wouldn't come off.

The source did not specify in detail the clinical condition of the alleged thief, although it did indicate that he fractured a rib, which affected his lung and necessitated surgery.

Those who know him say that he frequently went up to the rooftop to fly pigeons. Few could imagine the movie that was about to unfold," noted the official source.

However, according to the testimony of people who know the man, who would be a native of the municipality of Sagua de Tánamo in Holguín, the individual would have a history of theft with force in that municipality.

Until the closing of this note, there are no other details about the curious theft, which adds to other events of that nature in the country.

In recent days, the Cuban government acknowledged that its policy of "iron-fist" and confrontation against crime is not yielding results and that criminal "phenomena" are proliferating in society.

Authorities recognized this during the working group meeting for the prevention and combating of crimes and illegalities, held last Thursday in the halls of the Palace of the Revolution.

Headed by Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz, the meeting served to analyze the outcome of the "confrontation" in the month of April. As reported by the Presidency website, the head of government pointed out that "there is no progress in identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions that favor the proliferation of these phenomena."

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