The Government of Havana was aware of the activity at the Monkeys' Farm.

The event organizers stated on Cuban television that the activity was carried out in conjunction with the government of the Cerro municipality in Havana.

After the large fight among young people at Finca de los Monos this Saturday in Havana, the government stated that the incident was related to an unapproved activity; however, the space was indeed promoted by the state television last Thursday.

Araiz Torres, an employee of RTV Comercial as described on her Facebook page and linked to Klatus Creativo, an initiative that in its cultural aspect organized the Habanarte at Finca de los Monos, promoted the event on television, and shared the appearance on her social media profile.

Facebook screenshot / Araiz Torres

"Habanarte, in symbiosis with the Cerro government, with the management of Finca de Los Monos itself, we are creating a whole kind of event, for the fifth anniversary of the creation of Finca de Los Monos, and we are going to carry out this activity for the beginning of the summer," pointed out Torres, showing that the government of Havana was indeed aware of the implementation of the initiative.

Klatus Creativo, a business with over 4 years of experience that "provides services in audiovisual and computer productions, advertising campaigns, events, and fairs," organized the cultural activity.

In the appearance, Torres stated that the activity would be aimed at teenagers between 12 and 18 years old, arguing that it is important to offer them healthy places. In addition, he pointed out that there would be "spaces of their interest" and other cultural proposals.

He explained that access with alcoholic beverages and cigarettes would be prohibited, which would also not be sold on the premises.

However, this Saturday's massive fight between groups of young people left horrifying images of gangs armed with machetes and individuals injured by bladed weapons, according to reports on social media.

Screenshot Facebook / The world according to Edmundo Dantés Jr.

The events took place in the vicinity of the area known as Finca de los Monos (Quinta de las Delicias), in the Cerro municipality of the Cuban capital, during a festive activity apparently organized by the Union of Communist Youth, to kick off their summer campaign.

Young people from different gangs met at the Monkey Farm, where the start of summer was being celebrated by the UJC, reported the user identified as Edmundo Dantés Junior on Facebook.

Immediately, opinions and publications circulated claiming that the fight resulted in several deaths. However, the Government of Havana denied on Sunday the deaths of young people during the mob fight.

Facebook screenshot/Government of Havana

Hours after the news went viral on social media and in the midst of silence from the official media, the government entity decided to publish a statement on its Facebook page.

In it, he dismisses as false the news related to the deaths of young people and explains that "the incident is related to an unauthorized activity, where a disturbance of the peace occurred during the movement to the outdoor areas of the facility."

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