A man is found alive after being lost in the mountains in Holguín for four days.

After several days of searching, José Ricardo Mendoza, a resident of Marcané in the municipality of Cueto, was rescued safe and sound at the entrance of Orozco in Barajagua.

Rescate de José Ricardo Mendoza, en Barajagua © Collage de Facebook/Realidades desde Holguín
Rescue of José Ricardo Mendoza in BarajaguaPhoto © Facebook collage/Realities from Holguín

A man who was missing in the mountains for four days in the province of Holguín was fortunately found safe and sound this Monday.

After continuous hours of searching, José Ricardo Mendoza, a resident of Marcané in the municipality of Cueto, was rescued alive at the entrance of Orozco in Barajagua, days after he went missing from his home, according to a report from the Facebook profile "Realidades desde Holguín," associated with the Ministry of the Interior (MININT).

Holguín Facebook Capture/Realities

The unusual story began after Ricardo left his home on Friday afternoon with the intention of seeing a friend, but he never reached his destination.

Once the family reported their disappearance to the police, a search was organized, which took place day and night in the Barajagua and Marcané areas by authorities, friends, relatives, and other individuals who were moved by the case, according to the publication.

Ricardo's loss could have been due to "underlying psychopathological disorders that cause his memory to be affected and disoriented," the note pointed out.

During the days he stayed in the mountains, Ricardo survived by feeding on "whatever nature offered him", until he was found "weakened by the days gone by," highlighted the profile, while describing the discovery as "a triumph for everyone."

Ricardo was transferred to Marcané Hospital for a medical check-up on his health.

"Everything will be fine with him, he is already in safe arms. Thanks to each of the people who made this act of love possible," the post expressed.

A few days ago, a notice from Ricardo's family requesting information to locate his whereabouts had been shared on social media.

Facebook screenshot/Saúl Manuel

The man works at the transportation base located next to the CUPET in Marcané, in Cueto, as his wife Gladis and his nephew Víctor Manuel informed in the request for help.

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