Three firefighters from Cuba succeed in Florida as rescuers and paramedics.

This is the story of three Cuban firefighters who stand out in the state of Florida for their services to the community in different counties.

Bomberos cubanos en Estados Unidos © Facebook Rodney Ramos
Cuban firefighters in the United StatesPhoto © Facebook Rodney Ramos

In the state of Florida, three brave firefighters of Cuban origin, who graduated ten years ago, have managed to stand out by working in different counties.

It's about Rodney Ramos, Leonardo Suárez, and Alejandro Valdés, who currently serve in the counties of Miami-Dade, Pasco, and Charlotte, respectively.

Facebook Rodney Ramos

Alejandro Valdés is a Lieutenant in the Fire Department at Charlotte County Fire & EMS, a position he has achieved through his dedication and excellence in service.

Together with Rodney Ramos and Leonardo Suárez, he is part of a select group of three firefighters in Florida who previously served as firefighters in Cuba.

Cuban firefighters emigrate to the United States.

The young people emigrated to the United States and had to overcome different stages in their lives before resuming their careers as firefighters, also training to become rescuers and paramedics.

Alejandro and Rodney have a learning history as firefighters at Command 1 in Havana, while Leonardo began his career at Command 1 in Matanzas in Rescue and Salvage.

Leonardo Suárez has been interviewed on multiple occasions in Florida, for his detailed knowledge of the location where the Supertankers disaster occurred in Matanzas, a fire in which 17 people lost their lives, including several firefighters, in August 2022.

The story of these three men is a testimony of perseverance and dedication. Having been firefighters in Cuba and now serving as paramedic firefighters in Florida not only shows their professional ability but also their adaptation and resilience in a new environment.

His trajectory is an inspiring example for many Hispanics in the United States and a demonstration of the positive impact that immigrants can have on their adoptive communities.

Alejandro, Rodney, and Leonardo share a beautiful story of success and overcoming. Their commitment and service in both Cuba and the United States reflect the values of dedication and bravery that characterize firefighters worldwide.

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