Dream come true! Charly gifts a house with a pool to his parents in Cuba: "My parents have given me everything."

Charly, from the duo Charly & Johayron, has fulfilled one of his biggest dreams by buying a house with a pool for his parents in Cuba.

The Cuban singer Carlos Coronado, Charly from the duo Charly & Johayron, has just fulfilled one of his biggest dreams: buying a house for his parents.

After his 24th birthday, which the Cuban artist celebrated in Miami, he shared the happy news that he has bought a house for his parents in Cuba. An incredible gift that he showed on his Instagram account, where he uploaded a video in which we can see him showing his parents their new home. A house that has a pool.

Thank you for what I am, for what I have, for what I learn, for what I have lived, for the health I possess, and for the things that are coming my way!! Today I fulfill one more dream. WOW. Who would have told me 3 years ago that I could buy a house for my parents!! Dreams do come true. My elders who have given me everything!! Today it is my turn to return the favor. Take it, this house is for both of you," wrote the singer of "Mi mentirosa" at the bottom of the post.

The reactions did not take long to arrive, and many colleagues and followers congratulated him on this achievement. They also congratulated him for being such a good son and expressed the pride they feel when they see these images.

"Those who deserve everything. How well, namesake", "How great you are", "Congratulations on fulfilling the dream that so many of us yearn for", "Congratulations buddy, that is every child's dream" or "Seeing mom happy is everything", are some of the messages dedicated to the singer alongside the video.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Former editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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