Sancti Spiritus: 10 thousand households without gas service for more than 18 days

Sancti Spiritus gradually resumes gas sales after 18 days without service due to fuel shortages.

Cola para comprar gas en Cuba (imagen de referencia) © Televisión cubana
Gasoline queue in Cuba (reference image)Photo © Cuban Television

The sale of liquefied gas has been suspended in the main municipality of Sancti Spíritus for 18 days, affecting more than 10 thousand customers.

José Alberto Martínez, director of the commercial house of the province, told Escambray that sales will resume from this Tuesday at the eight established points in the territory, but not all of them will have gas available. The commercialization will be carried out intermittently due to the product's insufficiency.

It could be that one day there is gas at four sales points and the next day the cylinders are collected, also considering the shortage of gas canisters we have. That is why we will inform the population daily about how the gas will be sold," Martínez said.

More than 10,100 customers, out of the 37,337 registered in the municipality, are waiting for the arrival of gas. The government assures that in order to gradually respond to the high demand, priorities have been established.

"It will be sold in the established queue at the points, and the quantity of available cylinders, the starting number, and the ending number will be announced daily through different channels," explained the official.

The messengers will receive their two cylinders to provide service to the population, as well as five for people with physical disabilities and other vulnerable cases.

They will also serve 4,000 consumers who have been waiting since May for the delivery of liquefied gas purchased through the Ticket platform.

The intermittence in the sale of gas is due to the national deficit of this fuel.

Due to the lack of product availability, it was decided to start distribution in the West and East, where some provinces had been without this fuel for 40 days. So, as the supply arrives in the territory, sales will be able to continue," said Martínez.

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