A Cuban man stabs an employee in a store in Yucatán, Mexico.

The violent attack took place at the entrance of an Oxxo store in the port of Progreso, where the Cuban, whose name has not been revealed, and an employee of the Federal Electricity Commission, identified as Mario B. P., were involved in a confrontation.

Tienda de la cadena Oxxo, en el puerto de Progreso © Captura de
Oxxo convenience store in the port of Progreso.Photo © Capture from

The State Police of Yucatan detained a Cuban man accused of injuring an employee of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) with a knife, after both of them argued in a convenience store in the city of Progreso this Monday.

The violent aggression took place at the entrance of a store from the Oxxo chain, located on 19th and 20th streets in the port of Progreso, where the Cuban, whose name has not been revealed, and the CFE worker, identified as Mario B. P., 52 years old, started a dispute.

Facebook screenshot/

After the dispute, the Cuban allegedly pulled out a knife and stabbed the man in the back, neck, and head, and then fled in a Mazda truck, according to police reports cited by the media.

Paramedics from the Red Cross in Progreso arrived at the scene and attended to the injured person, who was bleeding profusely, so he was transported to a hospital. His current health status is unknown.

During an operation, police officers subsequently arrested the suspect on the Mérida-Progreso highway.

The site was cordoned off by officers of the Municipal Police of Progreso, while personnel from the General State Prosecutor's Office carried out the corresponding procedures.

Last April, Mexican authorities arrested a Cuban who stabbed a Venezuelan immigrant.

Lázaro Silva was arrested in Mexico City after allegedly attempting to kill a man named Greison García. The Cuban had been drinking alcohol before the altercation.

In recent years, hundreds of thousands of immigrants from countries in the region and other continents have arrived in Mexico with the intention of crossing into the United States.

Coming from Cuba, a country experiencing the largest migratory exodus in its history, 144,378 migrants arrived in the US between October 2023 and April of the current year; while an undetermined number waits on Mexican soil to obtain a CBP One appointment to enter that country.

In recent months, lamentable stories have emerged of Cubans who lost their lives during the journey through Central American countries or within Mexico itself, or while waiting for their immigration appointment. Some died due to natural causes or in car accidents, but others have been victims of murder.

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