A young man is stabbed to steal his motorcycle in Havana.

The young man is seriously injured.

La víctima © Facebook/Olga Lidia Gómez
The victimPhoto © Facebook/Olga Lidia Gómez

A young Cuban man is seriously injured after being stabbed last weekend in the Mantilla neighborhood, in the Arroyo Naranjo municipality of Havana, to steal his motorcycle and cellphone.

On Facebook, internet user Olga Lidia Gómez asked for prayers for the recovery of the victim, whom she identified as Vicente Pases, and who is in very serious condition following the aggression.

The woman specified that the incident took place around two in the morning in the El Moro area, where Pases was abandoned after being assaulted with a white weapon.

With permission from his family, we, because we are many, ask for prayers for Vicente Pases and justice," wrote the aforementioned source, who added that the injured person lives in Callejas, also in Arroyo Naranjo.

"I would like everyone who knows him, because there are many of us as he lives in Callejas and is very dear, to help us with prayers for his recovery, as his condition is stable but serious," pointed out Gomez, who apparently resides in Florida.

"All your relatives can count on us and hopefully this won't go unpunished like other cases," added the accuser, who wished that the aggressor could be arrested.

Facebook screenshot/Olga Lidia Gómez Pérez

In the comments section, several people expressed their wishes for a speedy recovery for the young man who was stabbed, another victim of the violence that has surged in Cuba parallel to the rampant economic and moral crisis that the country is facing.

Until the closing of this report, there are no other details about the circumstances in which Vicente Pases was assaulted, who is currently fighting for his life.

Although in recent weeks the general perception is of a slight decrease in the reports of such incidents on social media, many argue that the level of violence continues to be high on the island.

In another recent violent incident, a man working as a security guard at the Santiago de Cuba Aquarium was seriously injured in a violent robbery at that location.

In March, a senior official from the Attorney General's Office denied that criminal violence has increased in Cuba.

Beatriz de la Peña La O, head of the Research Department of the Criminal Processes Directorate, tried to shift the focus towards social media and its ability to provide information with a wider reach.

According to the prosecutor, there is a false perception that there are more crimes, since social networks give greater visibility to events and the number of internet users has increased.

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