The gesture of the José José of Cuba: "Concert at 60 pesos to give back the love of the audience"

The young artist explained that before performing live in another country, he will first sing in front of the Cuban audience as a thank you for the love and support received.

The young singer Eloveliz Pérez, known as the Cuban José José, will offer a special concert dedicated to Father's Day this Friday at the Lázaro Peña theater, charging only 60 pesos as a way to repay the love that his fans have shown him.

"The symbolic price of 60 CUP only seeks to cover the expenses of the theater, such as electricity, cleaning, organization, and other necessary details," Perez explained on Facebook, ensuring that his true motivation is to give back the love that the Cuban people have given him.

Facebook screenshot / Eloveliz Pérez

"I want to give back to you from the soul a bit of what you have given me," the young man pointed out. "This concert is for you, my dear Cuban brothers, who have been with me since day one."

In a gesture of humility, the artist stated that, if he now enjoys prestige beyond national borders, it has been thanks to the Cuban public, whom he described as "driving forces and architects of all the international recognition I have received."

Finally, the José José of Cuba revealed that he has approved contracts in two countries, although he did not specify which ones; however, he expressed his desire to sing live first for the Cuban public before taking his music to the world.

The young man Pérez expressed his gratitude for the warm reception of the concert by the audience and shared on Facebook images showing people lining up early on Wednesday to buy tickets.

Facebook screenshot / Eloveliz Pérez

Last May, the young performer premiered his first ballad composed by Lenier Mesa.

"I Suffered for Love" is the title of this song released along with a music video directed by filmmaker Freddy Loons.

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