India remembers how she met Celia Cruz: "I will never forget her."

"It was unforgettable to meet a woman who was loved her whole life," stated the Puerto Rican artist.

La India recuerda a Celia Cruz © Capturas YouTube / Telemundo Entretenimiento
India remembers Celia CruzPhoto © YouTube Captures / Telemundo Entertainment

India never forgets when she met Celia Cruz, an opportunity that not only would remain engraved in her memory, but also left a significant mark on her life and artistic career.

The Puerto Rican singer made some confessions to Telemundo Entertainment, and revealed the top 5 most significant moments of her life, including at number four her encounter with The Queen of Salsa: "It was unforgettable to meet a woman who was loved her whole life."

The artist first met Celia's nephew, John Paul, and through him she developed a close relationship with the Cuban Guarachera.

One day he brings me a message from her and the message was 'congratulations, keep singing, beautiful,' and I almost died," La India recalled.

"He told me, 'When Celia meets you, she will fall in love with you and she will never let you go. You are the daughter she never had, and she will be the mother you need at this moment,' and so it was. When we saw each other, I hugged her and she hugged me back, I felt something so beautiful, it was an energy of light, love, support, and from that moment on, we were inseparable," the singer recounted.

Celia became her godmother, and for La India when she passed away, it was "like a light went out inside me, I will never forget her."

The strength with which Celia faced every obstacle in her life, being a woman and Cuban, always served as an example to La India.

On several occasions, the Puerto Rican artist has paid tribute to Celia. In 2022, alongside the Cuban-Spanish singer Lucrecia, they performed a concert dedicated to her.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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