Cubana offers reward to anyone who finds their son's lost pet in Guantanamo.

The little dog's name is Prince and his owner is very sad.

Perrito perdido y niño llorando © Yamileidis Domínguez Castillo / Facebook
Lost puppy and crying childPhoto © Yamileidis Domínguez Castillo / Facebook

A Cuban mother from Guantanamo is offering a reward of 10,000 pesos to whoever finds her son's lost dog.

Yamileidis Domínguez Castillo shared a photo of her pet in the Facebook group "Revolico Guantánamo" and of her child, who is extremely sad due to the loss.

"I will give 10,000 pesos to the person who finds this little dog, his name is Príncipe," he said.

Facebook screenshot / Revolico Guantánamo / Yamileidis Domínguez Castillo

"My son is suffering a lot for his dog, call the numbers 52008566, 53210459, and 51221347. Do not hesitate to help with 10,000 pesos. God bless you," he added.

Yamileidis did not clarify how Príncipe got lost or if he was stolen.

In recent months, there has been an increase in posts on social media requesting help to recover lost or stolen pets. Many of them, like in this case, offer rewards.

At the beginning of May, the case of a young man in Guanabacoa who offered a reward of 50,000 pesos to anyone who would hand over or provide information about the whereabouts of his dog came to light.

"If someone sees it, hears barking where there has never been a dog, it could be mine," suggested Yoel Abraham González.

In April, a doctor offered a reward of 20,000 pesos to find his lost cat in the La Víbora area of Havana.

The man specified that the cat's name was Pulgui, three years old, white with orange spots. He is allergic and was wearing a black vest and a collar with his guardian's name and phone number.

The economic and social crisis in Cuba has brought about other forms of crime such as the theft of pet animals.

In December, the owner of a lost dog in Havana spent days asking for help to find it.

"It seems he was abducted by aliens, as no one has seen him and there is no trace of him. Once again, I appeal to human sensitivity for his return," pleaded Esperanza Fernández, a resident in Guanabo.

The elderly woman explained that her pet has features of a French Bulldog, but is bigger because it is a mix, and wears a blue collar. The woman offered 6,000 pesos to anyone who returned it or provided information.

"It is evident that someone has him captive, with the intention of keeping him or selling him, and perhaps they have already moved him to another area," he denounced.

"If you sold it, the money won't last, you are punishing an old woman and her pet who have nothing to do with the misery you live in. If you have mistreated it... may God have mercy on you," he stressed in another post.

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