"Sweets eaten in Cuba": Cuban in Spain sparks debate on TikTok.

Users on the network added more dishes to their list.

The Cuban TikToker @robertalbavlogs0, residing in Spain, shared a video on the platform where he listed seven Cuban sweets "he loves" and asked users to comment with their own favorites.

Using a descending order, Robert started with the seventh place, with "the Cuban polvorón", that sweet that "has guava jam in the center". The sixth place was for the buñuelos, which in Cuba are enjoyed "especially at the end of the year with syrup or coconut sweets". In fifth place, there are the Cuban torrejas, similar to the Spanish torrijas.

The bread and milk pudding takes fourth place on his list, and according to him, some only prepare it "filled with guava paste or coconut candy." In third place is the Cuban flan, a classic that, although also consumed in Spain, according to Robert "has nothing to do with how we make it in Cuba." The sponge cake flan is in second place, although he admits that in several parts of Cuba it is known by other names. Finally, in first place, Robert chooses the cappuccino cake, which can be filled with many things, but "what doesn't change about this sweet is its texture and flavor."

Robert's followers quickly responded with their own suggestions of sweets they like or long for - sadly, shortages on the island make it prohibitive or difficult to make them for many families. "You missed rice pudding, sweet potato dessert, guava shells"; "I missed guava cake, coconut pastries, tartlets"; "I would add guava shells," they commented.

And you, do you have a favorite Cuban sweet? Which one would you add to the list?

What do you think?


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