A Latina does not want her son to be raised in the United States: "There are many things that children miss out on by being born in a country like this."

A Colombian mom explains on TikTok why she doesn't want her son to grow up in the United States, sparking a debate about parenting and children's social life.

A Colombian mom explained the reasons why she does not want her son to grow up in the United States in a TikTok video that has sparked debate.

The Latin mom who went viral by explaining why she would prefer her child to be raised in her home country was Helo Garros (@helogarros), who among her main reasons is the child's social life and the fear as a mother of taking him to school in the future.

"There is no social life here; in Colombia, there would be more time to play. There is more flexibility to see each other and for the children to play. I feel like it's something that is being lost and will be lost", commented this mom, who added that she feels fear for the moment her son goes to school. "All the dangers in this country regarding that. I know that in Colombia there are other types of dangers, but you don't send your children to school with that fear," she said.

Helo explained that she does not plan to return to Colombia; however, it is a reflection she wanted to share. "I am not saying that I am going to take my son to Colombia because it is not going to happen, but the truth is that it makes one reconsider a lot. I can truly tell you that I regret that my son will not go out to play on the street."

There are many things I want to stay in this country for. He was born here, and the United States is a country of opportunities, but nothing is perfect. You can't romanticize the fact that a child born in the United States misses out on many things by being born in a country like this," he concluded.

Some of the messages that can be read next to the video are:

"She perfectly speaks from your point of view, and about the advantages and disadvantages of each culture," "I thought the same and believe me, the great opportunity I am giving my son by being here, he will thank me for it his whole life! Just with the language, he can stand up for himself here and anywhere in the world," "You are literally completely right," "The school situation terrifies me," "Friend, I hear you and that was me 2 years ago. We went back to Colombia and now my son is very happy," or "I'm a mom and I agree with you... I want him to take advantage of all the good opportunities in this country, but there are other reasons that overwhelm me."

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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