A Cuban finds wallet with money on Miami street and returns it to the police.

"What is not yours is returned," he said.

A Cuban in the United States, who goes by the name Liesner the Tour Guide on TikTok (@liesnerthetourguide), shared a video on the platform where he is seen returning a wallet found on the street in Miami, to highlight the importance of not keeping items that do not belong to you.

"Look Cubans, this is a little video for all those Cubans who come from Cuba with tremendous bad habits," he says at the beginning of the video, where he explained how he had found the wallet while working with his group of tourists in Miami. The wallet, he said, contained money, a driver's license, and credit cards.

Despite trying to locate the owner through searches on various social networks, he was not successful, so he decided to hand it over to a police officer so that they could contact the owner.

In the video, Liesner is seen approaching a patrol car to speak with a police officer, to whom he handed over the wallet after providing the requested information.

"That's how it's done," he concludes at the end of the video, on which he also wrote the phrase: "What is not yours is returned."

Her TikTok post was accompanied by a message of a similar tone in defense of not keeping what doesn't belong to you: "If you find something, try everything you can to return it to its owner. Second time I find something, before it was a cell phone that I returned to its owner and now this."

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