Two underage Cuban girls missing in Cárdenas.

The relatives of the minors are desperate and asking for help to locate them.


Two Cuban girls, aged just 12, residents of Cárdenas, Matanzas, have been missing for four days as of today, according to reports from both families on social media.

The minors have been identified as Melany and Saily.

Lizandra Gil, Melany's mother, resides outside the country and has asked for help through numerous Facebook groups in the last few hours.

In the comments section of one of his posts, Gil explained that Melany lives with her maternal grandmother and detailed that the minor left the house in the company of her friend, and since then, they have not had any news of them.

Melany studies at José Martí High School and lives at 212 Industria Street between Souberville and Línea.

A family member of Saily, for her part, reiterated this past Saturday that the minors are still missing.

The disappearance of the minors was reported to the police.

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