They demand proof of life of Maykel Osorbo after having been attacked in prison.

Maykel Osorbo is a godson of the #AdoptAPoliticalPrisonerFromTheWorld campaign of the Casla Institute.

Maykel Osorbo © Angelo Troya
Maykel OsorboPhoto © Angelo Troya

Human rights lawyer Tamara Suju demanded proof of life of Cuban rapper and political prisoner Maykel "Osorbo" Castillo, who is being held in a prison on the island.

"He is currently in serious danger, imprisoned and isolated after being attacked by a fellow inmate. Maykel denounces that they want to kill him in jail," said the director of the Casla Institute, who has launched the campaign #SponsorAPoliticalPrisonerFromAroundTheWorld."

Suju adds that the rapper's relatives "want to know what his physical condition is after the attack," and that the prisoner's daughter had to leave the island recently out of fear.

He emphasizes that Osorbo is a godson of the Institute Casla campaign and mentions that he is a singer and winner of a Grammy for the song "Patria y Vida".

The Casla Institute is based in Madrid, Spain. It is a non-profit organization dedicated to the defense of human rights, especially in Latin America.

On May 18, activists from several countries remembered the third year of Osorbo's imprisonment, accused by the regime of assault, resistance, and contempt, and sentenced to nine years in prison.

Amnistía Internacional for the Americas organization recalled that they continue to demand the immediate and unconditional release of Osorbo, who was detained in 2021, from the Díaz-Canel government.

Eliexer Márquez Duany, better known as El Funky, who was detained by Cuban authorities on the same day as Osorbo and released days later, remembered his fellow activist with an extensive post on Instagram.

"His crime was telling the truth about his life, his people, and singing those truths," said El Funky as he recalled what happened three years ago.

He recalled that "on May 18, 2021, Maykel Castillo (Osorbo) was taken out of his home in Old Havana without a shirt and shoes," and accompanied his words with several photos.

In June 2022, the musician and one of the most prominent faces of activism in Cuba was sentenced alongside Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara to nine and five years in prison, respectively.

Both were sanctioned for alleged acts of outrage to the symbols of the nation, contempt, defamation of institutions and organizations and of heroes and martyrs, assault, resistance, and public disorder, stated a press release from the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic of Cuba.

From prison, he has denounced the regime's maneuvers to physically and psychologically destabilize him.

Recently, Osorbo was brutally beaten in prison to the point where he almost lost an ear.

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