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Maykel Osorbo's wife finds him beaten in prison

Maykel almost lost his left ear after an attack by four inmates in prison.

Maykel Osorbo © Facebook / Tata Poet
Maykel Osorbo Photo © Facebook / Tata Poet

The Cuban musician and political prisoner Maykel Osorbo was brutally beaten in prison to the point that he almost lost an ear, the independent media reported.The sneeze.

In an article signed by the Cuban writer Carlos Manuel Álvarez, and titled "Maykel Osorbo: «They have to kill me from the front»", details of the event that occurred on April 18 in the maximum security prison of Kilo 5 and Middle in Pinar del Río.

The attack occurred at breakfast time, when several prisoners were protesting the shortage of food in the prison after there was not enough bread, the text states.

During the last visit of his relatives, including his wife Vivianny Fuentes, Osorbo told what happened and handed over a letter and the handkerchief with which he tried to stop the bleeding from his ear on the day of the attack.

In a post on his Facebook profile it is stated that "the wife could see with her eyes the severity of Maykel's injuries, especially in his left ear, she could also see the calm and at the same time helplessness with which Maykel tried once again fix things inside, and continue to endure with dignity.

Publication inFacebook

It describes that four common prisoners in complicity with the prison authorities and the Cuban State Security attacked the political prisoner.

Osorbo, sentenced to nine years in prison, was on the verge of losing part of his left ear due to a bite during the incident.

According to witness accounts cited byThe sneeze, the incident occurred in section 3 of the prison, where 64 prisoners share space.

Publication inFacebook

In a letter sent from prison, Osorbo described the situation, stating that he defended himself but ended up being attacked.

Additionally, he held prison authorities responsible, mentioning specific names such as Raúl Alejandro, Pedro and Lázaro Castillo, claiming that they are responsible for these increasingly frequent violent incidents.

Since the beginning of 2023, a surveillance camera has been installed in the galley where Maykel is located, however, friends and family have reported that this has not guaranteed his safety, and he has been a victim of harassment by common inmates instigated by the political police.

Despite the severity of his injuries, Osorbo did not receive adequate medical attention. Although it was recommended to suture the wound in his ear, a military doctor denied him treatment, so he had to suffer four days of bleeding.

He has since been moved to a solitary cell, making it even more difficult to access information about his condition.

In his letter, addressed to the public, the rapper said that he was really worriedfor your safety and that it would be protected.

"First I'm going to see my children and my wife and then, with all due respect, I'm going to protect myself. Until things are resolved properly, for now, I'm going to the cell, and I don't believe in the goodness of the Pinar del Río authorities. As long as a high official from Havana does not come here, and I know them all, I will remain there, I don't know in what state, but I will be there," he stressed.

A few days ago he also said that "sometimes losing is winning, violence is not correct when we serve a sentence unjustifiably... people like me, who know that they try to harm us at all times, we have to have the ability to see all possible scenarios and not make the mistake of giving a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

In 2022 Maykel "Osorbo" was sentenced to nine years of deprivation of liberty, for alleged acts of outrage against the symbols of the country, contempt, defamation of institutions and organizations and of heroes and martyrs, attacks, resistance and public disorders, said a statement from the Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Cuba.

Several international organizations have joined together to call for the release of him and Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, who remain in maximum security prisons in Pinar del Río and Artemisa, respectively.

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