Fake Epidemiology inspector arrested after committing more than 15 robberies in homes in Santa Clara.

Luis Alberto Cambón León was finally arrested on Saturday morning, after stealing a cell phone from an elderly woman inside her home, according to sources linked to MININT.

Luis Alberto Cambón León © Facebook/Fuerza del Pueblo
Luis Alberto Cambón LeónPhoto © Facebook/Fuerza del Pueblo

The police arrested a man this Saturday who committed more than 15 robberies by impersonating an inspector of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the city of Santa Clara, Villa Clara.

The individual, identified as Luis Alberto Cambón León through the Facebook profile "Fuerza del Pueblo," associated with the Ministry of the Interior, was finally arrested yesterday morning after stealing a cellphone from an elderly woman inside her home.

Facebook screenshot / People's Force

According to the publication, the thief pretended to be a "mosquito worker," as the inspectors in this sector are popularly called in the country, responsible for supervising the presence of these insects in homes, usually carriers of the dengue virus, and currently also of the Oropouche virus.

Using that justification, Cambón "requested permission to enter homes to check for the presence of mosquitoes, and, taking advantage of his victims' carelessness, who are mostly elderly people, he would take cellphones or other small valuable items within his reach," the note stated.

How many people have been victims of this scoundrel? Hopefully, all citizens who manage to recognize him and are aware of events like this will report him to the police, so that legal measures are applied to him", stated the profile aligned with the Cuban government, urging not to allow incidents like this to go unpunished.

Cuba is experiencing a rising crime rate, with the main trigger being the deep economic, political, and social crisis that the country has been going through in recent years, characterized by shortages of basic products and massive inflation.

Robberies, assaults, and murders are reported daily on social media by the population, questioning the effectiveness of the authorities in ensuring citizen security and tranquility.

Faced with this alarming scenario, the government has acknowledged the rise in crime rates and admitted that their "iron fist" policies are not producing results.

However, the regime maintains dozens of active digital profiles, which are dedicated to praising the police's actions in dealing with criminals.

In addition to the constant and prolonged blackouts, the lack of food, and the exorbitant prices of essential goods, Cubans living on the island are also victims of criminals who steal their belongings and, without compassion, end the life of anyone to carry out their crimes.

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