The joy of being parents: Cuban actors share their experiences

For Alejandro Cuervo, fatherhood is the biggest dream and goal of his life.

A group of Cuban actors did not want to let Father's Day pass without sharing what fatherhood means to each of them, sharing beautiful messages with their followers about the joy of being a dad.

The actor Alejandro Cuervo admitted that fatherhood is the most important dream and goal of his life, as can be seen in a video shared by CubaActores on Instagram.

Yass Beltrán, for his part, said that for him it means "constantly thinking about a person who needs you and being the superhero of that person, because dad is also only one."

Similarly, Luis Ramírez pointed out that being a dad is "the greatest achievement of his life."

"It's my best work," said Herón Vega, son of the famous filmmaker Pastor Vega.

According to Eduardo Pastrana, fatherhood "is the most difficult and complex life subject, but at the same time the most beautiful one he has had to experience."

Several Cuban celebrities have expressed today the profound love they feel for their parents.

Pitbull celebrated this Father's Day by remembering his own with a heartwarming album of childhood photos.

On his part, the famous Cuban producer Emilio Estefan dedicated a beautiful message to his father.

Similarly, Jacob Forever shared the sweetest congratulations from his children Saisha and Riler. The little girl wrote him a handwritten letter while his son sent him a nice message via WhatsApp.

Instagram screenshot / Jacob Forever

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