A Cuban woman flies from Miami to surprise her dad in Cuba with a serenade for Father's Day.

The mariachis arrived at this Cuban dad's house with the song that he used to sing to his daughter when she was little.

A Cuban woman flew from Miami to Cuba to be with her father on Father's Day, which was celebrated this past Sunday, June 16. But this was not the only surprise she gave him. Before she arrived, a mariachi band she had hired for the occasion showed up and surprised him by singing the song he used to sing to her as a child.

The protagonist of this beautiful moment is Diana (@ayylolaaa on TikTok), who shared the video that captures the surprise she made for her father in Cuba.

Join me in giving my dad in Cuba a surprise serenade. There were about 15 mariachis. They caught him coming out to see where the noise was coming from. This song was sung to me when I was little. He thought the surprise ended there. Blaming his friends who went to find me. Let's make them happy while we still can," this Cuban woman recounted during the video, who undoubtedly gave the best gift to her "first love" on this special date.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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