Pure tenderness! Srta Dayana melts the internet with photos of her daughter with her dad.

The singer posted a lovely message on Instagram for her partner on behalf of their daughter for Father's Day.

Srta Dayana junto a su pareja y su hija © Instagram / Srta Dayana
Miss Dayana with her partner and their daughterPhoto © Instagram / Srta Dayana

Miss Dayana celebrated Father's Day with her family and the congratulation for her partner and father of her daughter, Mario Cedeño, was very special.

With some photos of little Victoria alongside her dad that are utterly heartwarming, the singer posted a lovely message for him on Instagram on behalf of the girl.

"Happy Father's Day to all the fathers in the whole world and very especially to my beautiful daddy. I love you so much, Dad! And I love it when we play and have fun together. May God bless you always and our family!", the post reads.

In the photos, the girl can be seen posing for the cameras next to her dad, who is sitting on the floor to be at her eye level.

Hugs and kisses between a father and daughter in photographs are a faithful demonstration of the love and complicity that exists between them.

Apparently, the family went on a trip this weekend to celebrate the occasion, as Dayana shared a photo of the three of them on Instagram with a "the pirulí family" caption and several emojis.

Instagram screenshot / Ms. Dayana

Surely they were also celebrating the recovery of Mario Cedeño, who a few weeks ago had to undergo a complicated surgery due to injuries he suffered months ago in a traffic accident.

What do you think?


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Deneb González

CiberCuba Entertainment Editor

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