Proud son! Cuban influencer Carnota celebrates his mother's graduation with a master's degree in education in Chicago.

Ivette Carnota Acosta graduated under the watchful eyes of her children, who couldn't help but show pride in their mother.

Cuban comedian and influencer José Ernesto González, better known as Carnota, couldn't be prouder of his mother, who this weekend received her master's degree in Education in Chicago. The young man traveled with his brother to attend the lady's graduation.

Wearing a sash with the Cuban flag to honor her roots, Ivette Carnota Acosta graduated in front of her children's attentive and proud gaze, to whom she dedicated a beautiful message on her mortarboard. At the top it read: "For my children. In pursuit of a dream, so many hopes..."

Excited about his mother's achievement, Carnota posted some images and videos of this emotional moment they experienced as a family.

"Proud of you. My mom has a Master's in Education," he wrote at the bottom of the post. "The pure one is graduating," says the influencer in another video. Words full of admiration and affection for his mother, who proudly displayed the Cuban flag to remember her roots on this special day for her.

Carnota's followers joined the virtual celebration for their mother's new achievement. Congratulations from all of us at CiberCuba: Congratulations!

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduate in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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