Cuban residents living abroad will be able to inherit properties in Cuba.

According to the new legislative project, Cubans who remain outside of Cuba for more than 24 months will be able to inherit and maintain properties, as long as they comply with the established regulations and administrative procedures.

Propiedades en CUba. (Imagen de referencia) © CiberCuba
Properties in Cuba. (Reference image)Photo © CiberCuba

The National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba (Parliament) made available to the population a new legislative project on Migration this Tuesday, which includes specific provisions for Cubans residing abroad who inherit properties in the Caribbean nation, even if they have been out of the country for more than 24 months.

According to the legislative text, Cubans residing abroad have the right to inherit properties in Cuba, regardless of how long they have been out of the country. This issue is of great interest to those residing overseas and has been a constant source of concern.

The document indicates that, despite residing abroad for more than 24 months, Cubans can keep inherited property in Cuba, and in this sense, there are no provisions in the draft law indicating automatic loss for this reason.

In the section related to the regulation of inherited property, the text specifies that it is necessary to comply with the legal and administrative procedures to register the inheritance and ensure the ownership of it. This includes submitting the necessary documentation to the competent authorities in Cuba.

Likewise, the heirs must comply with any tax obligation associated with the inheritance, such as property tax payment.

Although the ownership of real estate is not automatically lost by being abroad for more than 24 months, it does specify that it is necessary to comply with certain regulations established by the Cuban government to maintain these rights, and the properties must be properly registered, and the owner must stay up to date with any administrative requirement that may be demanded.

Cubans living abroad can access consular services to help them manage their properties and other legal matters in Cuba.

Additionally, the new Migration legislative project must regulate the migration process in one of the biggest crises that Cuba faces on this issue.

The regime ensures that it has been designed with a systemic development approach, aiming to achieve a regular, orderly, and safe flow, as stated by the official Prensa Latina.

As a novelty, "the 24-month stay abroad and the designation of migrant for this reason are eliminated, based on the new definition of effective migratory residence" along with other important aspects.

Effective migratory residence is the condition reached by Cuban citizens and resident foreigners when they spend most of their time in the national territory during each calendar year prior to the certification date, or through a combination of a period of stay and other material evidences demonstrating roots in the country.

The 24-month limit abroad, the regime has been extending it since the coronavirus pandemic, when thousands of Cuban emigrants were unable to return to the island.

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