Family fulfills promise to the Virgin of Charity of El Cobre for managing to leave Cuba

After a young woman and her daughter managed to escape from Cuba, their family promised the Virgin of Charity of El Cobre to offer their hair as a sign of gratitude. A year and a half later, they were able to fulfill their promise.

A Cuban family, dressed in yellow, went to the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Charity of El Cobre, in Santiago de Cuba, to fulfill a vow made to the holy image, praying for a successful departure from the country.

Betsy González Tallo shared a video on Facebook explaining that a year and a half ago, her mother and grandmother promised the Virgin Mary to let their hair grow and offer it as an offering when she returned to Cuba.

According to González, the trip was exhausting; however, it was also rewarding to fulfill the promise made, to leave her hair to the Virgin Mary, "and to pray for all the people who, like me, go out with a dream."

"It's tough, but one does it for the good of the family," he pointed out.

"Unfortunately, I had to leave my country," said the young girl, regretting having to suffer by being separated from her family. "And it will be like this until we can be together."

González urged people not to stop fighting to achieve their dreams, and pointed out that he prayed to the Virgin of Charity of El Cobre for all those who have now set leaving Cuba as one of the main goals of their lives.

"This video is for all the people who have their family members far away, and who, just like me, would like to see them," she emphasized.

At the feet of the Virgin of Charity of El Cobre, Cubans from all over come to fulfill promises and also to pray for their loved ones.

Recently, Omar Quintero, known as the Payer of Promises, once again demonstrated his devotion to the Patroness of Cuba, an unbreakable will, and a profound love for his son, making the pilgrimage once again from Havana to El Cobre, in Santiago de Cuba.

In 2022, this man became well-known in the country for his promise to walk from Havana to El Cobre, to ask the saint to save his son sick with cancer.

Facebook Screenshot / No Filter with Davide Cuttica

"The Promise Keeper achieves it once again. One day before Mother's Day, Omar Quintero arrived at El Cobre," a person who identifies as Sin FiltRo with Davide Cuttica reported on Facebook.

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