Cubans descendants of Asturian emigrants have a unique opportunity to continue their studies thanks to the scholarship program "Studying in Asturias".
This program, identified as AYUD0098T01, is designed to partially cover the expenses of a master's degree at the University of Oviedo.
The objective of this initiative is to provide financial support to students who wish to obtain a master's degree from the University of Oviedo. The call is aimed at descendants of Asturian emigrants up to the second degree of consanguinity (grandparents, grandchildren, and siblings).
These students must meet a series of specific requirements to be eligible. Among them is: to have Spanish nationality and reside in a country in Latin America, such as the case of Cuba.
In addition, they must be between 20 and 35 years old at the time of the call for applications and have obtained their university degree within the last five years. It is essential that they have been admitted to a university master's program at the University of Oviedo for the academic year corresponding to the year of the call.
They must also meet certain family income criteria and not incur the exclusion reasons specified in the General Subsidies Law.
The application period is open from June 6, 2024, but ends soon, on June 25, 2024.
Applications can be submitted in person at the Citizen Service Offices of the Principality of Asturias or electronically through the Electronic Registry of the Principality of Asturias.
Presentations are also accepted through the General Electronic Registry of the Spanish General State Administration and other electronic registries in accordance with current regulations.
The program has a total credit of 15,000 euros, intended to cover enrollment expenses, including administrative fees and public prices, as well as round-trip travel tickets from the student's country of residence to Asturias.
Applicants can apply for any university master's degree offered by the University of Oviedo, excluding those of a professional nature.
Interested parties must submit a series of documents, such as a copy of their Spanish passport or identification document, a certificate of residency in one of the eligible countries, documentation proving descent from an Asturian, and official academic certifications.
Moreover, they must demonstrate that they have made the pre-registration or reserved a spot in the corresponding master's program.
The evaluation of the applications is based on the income level and the degree of connection with Asturias. In case of a tie, the grade point average will be taken into consideration. The resolution period is six months from the end date of the application period.
This scholarship program is an excellent opportunity for Cubans with Asturian roots who wish to advance in their education and establish a closer connection with their heritage.
The possibility of studying at the prestigious University of Oviedo can open many doors on a professional and personal level.
In April, the Principality of Asturias launched a call for grants aimed at Asturians and their descendants (up to the first degree of consanguinity) residing in Latin America, including Cuba.
These subsidies are mainly aimed at individuals over 65 years old who are in situations of need or lack sufficient income.
Adults between 18 and 64 years old who can demonstrate that they have been victims of gender-based violence, who suffer from a permanent disability preventing them from working, or who have a serious illness can also apply for this assistance.
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