The government exposes entry and exit prohibitions for Cuba in a new bill.

The government indicated that the objective of making the bills known is "to promote citizen participation and contribute to the legal culture of Cubans."

Control de Migración Cuba © CiberCuba
Cuba Immigration ControlPhoto © CiberCuba

The Cuban government established the regulation of entries and exits of the country, through the publication on Monday by the National Assembly of People's Power of a draft Migration Law.

The document presented by the Cuban legislative body does not show significant changes to the behaviors currently assumed. However, it indicates the values that the authorities take into account to allow entry and exit to the national territory, which is carried out through the ports and international airports available for such activities.

To do this, as is currently the case, a valid passport or equivalent document issued in the name of the traveler must be presented, as well as the identity card or a minor card as a temporary, permanent, real estate, humanitarian, or provisional resident.

Non-resident foreigners in the country must apply for an entry visa, unless they are citizens of a country that has agreements exempting them from this requirement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the island.

Based on these requirements, the document specifies some conditions that regulate entry and exit to the country.

It is mentioned that for the purpose of entry into the national territory, a person may be found inadmissible if they: have a criminal record related to terrorism, human trafficking, and illicit trafficking of migrants, as well as drugs, money laundering, or illegal possession or carrying of weapons or other acts that are condemned at the international level.

Also, those individuals linked to acts detrimental to humanity, dignity, and public health will not be allowed to enter Cuba.

They categorize as inadmissible those who organize, encourage, or participate in hostile actions against the political, economic, and social foundations of the Cuban State. This constitutes a gray area in the interpretations of migration officials and State Security.

A similar condition occurs with the numerals that indicate that entry may be prohibited for reasons of National Security and Defense, or for being declared undesirable or expelled. However, in these last two cases, exceptions can be made if there are humanitarian reasons, public interest, or if state institutions advise it.

Meanwhile, one of the points that attracts the most attention is the issue of leaving the country, one of the most violated by the Cuban regime, due to the discretion with which it is enforced by the authorities.

According to the document, any person in the national territory cannot leave the country while falling under any of the following points:

  1. Being subject to criminal proceedings or any other matter, provided that the authorities have ordered the precautionary measure of prohibition from leaving the national territory.
  2. To keep track of compliance with a criminal penalty in which a travel ban is an ancillary sanction.
  3. Being subject to the obligations of compulsory military service.
  4. When security and national defense reasons so advise.
  5. Have obligations with the Cuban state or civil responsibility, provided that they have been imposed by the corresponding authorities.
  6. Lacking the established authorization, under the regulations aimed at preserving the qualified workforce for the economic, social, and scientific-technical development of the country.
  7. Lack of the established authorization, but in order to preserve the security and protection of official information.
  8. Minors without parental authorization.
  9. When determined by the authorities empowered for other reasons of public interest.
  10. Fail to comply with the provisions of the Migration Law, the Foreigners Law, and their respective regulations.
Screenshot/Immigration Law

They add that individuals who have any of these indicators will be notified at the point of entry, when they are in the country, or by other appropriate means.

Screenshot/Immigration Law

The document published by the National Assembly also proposes other changes such as the possible elimination of the 24-month stay abroad requirement and the designation of migrant for this reason.

The government indicated that the objective of making the draft laws known is "to promote citizen participation and contribute to the legal culture of Cubans."

According to the official agency Prensa Latina, "these legislative proposals will be submitted for analysis and discussion by the deputies, with a view to their timely presentation in the Cuban Parliament."

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