A Cuban in the United States comments on the difference in flavor of the food: "Everything tastes the same to me except for the corn on the cob."

A Cuban person's opinion on food in the United States and Cuba.

A Cuban woman in the United States (@claudiarodriguez1624) has shared her experience about the differences in taste of food between both countries, stating that "everything tastes the same to me except for corn on the cob." This statement has sparked various opinions on TikTok, where the user ClauDenis posted a video discussing the flavors in the United States and Cuba.

"I had always heard that the food in the United States tasted different from that of Cuba, and I disagree. Mind you, I have a good appetite, but everything tastes the same to me except for corn on the cob, which is very sweet. However, I love tamales," said this Cuban, residing in the United States.

"It's my opinion, but what I'm sure of is that food tastes flavorless when you think about your loved ones. What are they eating today or what do they need, or just by thinking that you have everything but you are missing them and they are missing you. So it's not the food, it's life that feels bland because happiness is incomplete," she added, reflecting on the nostalgia and difficulty of a new life away from your loved ones.

"My apologies, but if there is a difference, they don't taste the same," "Pork meat only has a defined taste in fried masses. Everything else tastes the same," "Nothing tastes the same, neither the meats, nor the seasoning, nothing," or "Nothing tastes the same is my opinion," are some reactions that can be read alongside the video on TikTok.

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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