They ask for help to repatriate the body of a young Cuban man murdered in Mexico.

The young man was the victim of homicide in Mexico. The relatives are asking for help to repatriate his body to Cuba.

Eric Marcos Reyes Pupo © Facebook / Eric Marcos Reyes Pupo
Eric Marcos Reyes PupoPhoto © Facebook / Eric Marcos Reyes Pupo

The murder of a young Cuban in Mexico has shocked his family and friends, who are requesting assistance to repatriate the deceased's body.

It is about the young Eric Marcos Reyes Pupo, native of Puerto Padre, in Las Tunas. He was 26 years old and had emigrated to Mexico with the hope of starting a new stage of life in the United States, reuniting with his mother.

Erick was planning to soon cross the border from Mexico to the United States. He had his CBP One appointment and was counting on the help of an acquaintance, but things didn't go as planned.

According to a friend of the young man's testimony, the lights in Eric's place in Mexico suddenly went out, and the Cuban was shot in the forehead.

Among those allegedly involved in the murder, a Mexican woman with whom the deceased had a romantic relationship could be included.

The woman did not want him to go to where his mom was. She took away his passport," said the friend, who preferred to remain anonymous.

Eric's mother resides in the United States and his brother remains in Cuba. The family is devastated by the news and they wish to bring the body of the deceased young man back to his homeland for burial.

The case of Eric Marcos Reyes Pupo reflects the difficult and dangerous situation faced by many Cubans who try to emigrate in search of better opportunities.

The Cuban community in Mexico and the United States has started to mobilize to offer support to the family in this very difficult time.

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