Social Experiment in Havana: Wallet Theft with Witnesses

The YouTuber Listillo Cubano chooses scenarios where there are people watching and steals a wallet from the pocket of a man, his objective being to see how witnesses react to this situation.

Listillo Cubano, a name by which the popular YouTuber Iván Valdés Permuy is known, has carried out another one of his social experiments in Havana, this time involving the theft of a wallet in front of witnesses.

With the help of another Cuban YouTuber residing in Spain who plays the role of the victim, Listillo chooses scenarios where there are people watching and steals the wallet from the back pocket of the shorts. His goal is to see how witnesses react to this situation.

In only two cases did the witnesses react by exposing his theft and forcing him to return the wallet; the rest become accomplices to the theft and even accept money to stay silent and cover up the alleged thief.

Several internet users in the comments reacted to the video and some pointed out the social issue that is highlighted.

Gentlemen, it's sad to see how almost everyone stayed silent and took the money, this country has lost all its values; "It's something that has been lost throughout Cuba, it's a general evil"; "This video is harsh, and what I didn't like is seeing the majority taking the money"; "The regrettable thing is to see how there are different generations corrupted by need and perhaps the education they received. The good thing is to know that there are still good people in this country"; "It's the sad reality of my country, instead of being honest and not allowing the supposed theft, what they do is collaborate," some opined.

This is not the first time Listillo has conducted experiments of this kind. Some months ago, he made another video on YouTube that went viral, in which supposedly a young man drops money on the street.

What do you think?


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Deneb Gonzalez

CiberCuba Entertainment Editor

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