Overflow of sewage waters in San Miguel del Padrón: One year of suffering for the neighbors

They denounce the collapse of a sewage water manhole in San Miguel del Padrón since March 2023, without repair and posing a health risk.

Desborde de aguas albañales en San Miguel del Padrón © CiberCuba
Overflow of sewage water in San Miguel del PadrónPhoto © CiberCuba

The overflowing of sewage waters in a neighborhood in the municipality of San Miguel del Padrón, in Havana, has caused suffering for the residents for over a year.

In a complaint sent to CiberCuba, a source who preferred to remain anonymous explained that since March 27 or 28, 2023, a sewage pipe at the intersection of Mongo Sosa Street and 257 in the Tejas neighborhood of San Miguel del Padrón collapsed.

More than a year later, the neighbors continue to suffer the consequences of this unresolved problem, facing daily the dumping of raw sewage with an unbearable stench and the proliferation of mosquitoes.

Sewer waters, image sent to CiberCuba.

Despite the constant complaints and reports, the situation has not improved. Most concerning is that this problem is listed in official records as fixed, which is a blatant lie.

The authorities have not taken effective actions to solve this serious health problem in the community, where numerous children are exposed daily to this source of infection.

Little by little, the risk of diseases such as dengue and other serious conditions continues to increase. The inaction of the authorities endangers the health of all residents, who fear for the lives of their children and demand an immediate solution.

The neighbors are desperate, wondering how much longer they must wait for the government to take action. The community cannot continue living under these inhumane conditions. It is imperative that the authorities respond urgently to prevent further tragedies.

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