A Cuban woman in Canada gives her opinion on videos on social media surprising relatives on the island.

And you, are you the type of person who would give surprises like this and then share them on social media, or do you prefer to live moments with your family in more privacy?

A Cuban woman in Canada has shared her opinion on the popular videos of reunions with family members or surprise visits by Cubans to the island that abound on the internet, where they touch people's hearts and often even go viral.

In a relaxed tone, the young woman -whose name is Gabriela and who has referred on other occasions to the criticisms she receives for her accent- explained why she couldn't do something like that to her own mother.

"I don't know if you have seen the videos that many Cubans post of them returning to Cuba surprising their mothers, with a mariachi band, the mother crying, the family there crying... I find them super emotional, super cute. Sometimes a tear come out, but I am the kind of person who could never do that, never, to my mom," the young woman began in a video uploaded to her TikTok profile.

The young woman described that her mother is someone who prefers to avoid such public exposures: “My mom is the kind of person who will tell me, ‘No, no, no, no, no, no. What drama is this and all these people? No, Gabriela, don't make me go through that embarrassment for your life’”.

The young woman is convinced that her mother, faced with a surprise like this, would react in a quite different way from what is usually seen in viral videos. "With the mariachi band, with I-don't-know-what... Oh no, she's going to say: 'Girl, get a grip, no, no, no, no, no, no. Please, don't start crying in front of people,' because I know her and not a single tear will fall because I know her".

Gabriela's video offers a different perspective on the popular social media trend - not only starring Cubans but migrants from all over the world - of how some people might not feel comfortable with this type of public and emotional gestures.

And you, are you the type who would give surprises like this and then share them on social media, or do you prefer to live family reunions more privately?

What do you think?


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