El Divo presents new song on "Despierta América" after showing the results of his surgery

Eduardo Antonio presents his new song on Despierta América and shows the results of his recent surgery.

A few days after officially presenting "No me rendiré," Eduardo Antonio arrives at the show Despierta América to perform his song for the viewers of the program. A theme that aims to inspire all his followers, in which the Cuban singer declares his determination and resistance in the face of adversity.

Before going on stage, the Diva of Placetas shared a video on Instagram reminding everyone of his participation in the show.

Without a doubt, a grand premiere for this song, which has been very well received by Eduardo Antonio's audience.

This presentation comes after El Divo also showed on Instagram the result of his lower eyelid surgery, which he underwent two weeks ago.

On the other hand, the Cuban singer is going through a moment of career changes. He recently announced his departure from the Tamalazo de Krome, the place where he offered his Sunday family matinees. However, this project of the artist is far from over, as now the gathering with his followers will be every Sunday at Añejo Restaurant.

Here, we leave you "I won't give up":

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduate in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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